Recommended Services Advisory Letters - GE Magneblast Circuit Breakers and Switchgear
On April 29, Paul Wasacz, Program Manager at PSC, hosted our second webinar of the year Recommended Services Advisory Letters - GE Magneblast Circuit Breakers and Switchgear. Whether you are the manager responsible for this equipment or perform the hands-on maintenance, the webinar will inform you on the latest advisories and product improvements to help keep your circuit breakers and switchgear safe & reliable.
About Your Presenter
Mr. Wasacz is the Program Manager responsible for General Electric's Magneblast Circuit Breaker and Switchgear product line as well as for Outdoor Oil Circuit Breakers manufactured in GE's Philadelphia Circuit Breaker Plant. He has more than 30 years experience in design, maintenance, and operations of circuit breakers and switchgear from both the utility operator and OEM perspective. He includes the late Mr. Edward. J Dugan, GE's Chief Switchgear Design Engineer, as one of his mentors. He is an active participant in the Electric Power Research Institutes Nuclear Circuit Breaker Users Group. He has authored, published, and presented numerous papers during his career and is pleased to be sharing this valuable information with the industry. Mr. Wasacz holds a bachelors degree in electrical engineering and is a balloting member of IEEE's C37 switchgear committee.
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